Moscato D'Nasti

People say I'm a bad man, but I'm just a no-nonsense wine geek who tells it like it is, and sometimes it's not pretty.

Location: new york, ny, United States

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Annual update or something like that.

So I never really did anything here, sadly.

More than a year has passed and so many thoughts, notes, ideas could have been planted here for revisiting but that was not to be so I begin anew.

The event space upstairs is set to open in just a few days and things look promising up there. Will be a great venue and while i have the groundwork laid for a smattering of events it's really time for me to get in gear and start planning out the next 8 monthes or so. Work to start next monday.

Some old shit in the world of wine on the net. Innane arguements about who is the better critic, which is the better wine. Fabulous stuff really. Can't say I've had anything compelling letleyl, first too much work then a pair of fall ear infections has tamed much of what i wanted to do. Did have a great bottle of 95 siepi on the last cellar run, speaking of which it's time to put a cellar room in the basememt or else all those labels will just rot away as they have been doing. Buy a dehumidyfier at least!

Ok enough for now. back tomorrow for some actual discussions perhaps